Η συντακτική ομάδα του Cyprus Insurance News, παρακολουθεί καθημερινά τις εξελίξεις της ασφαλιστικής αγοράς στην Κύπρο και το εξωτερικό και σας τις μεταφέρει άμεσα με εγκυρότητα.
Insurance Europe has responded to a consultation conducted by the European Commission on withholding taxes and a new EU system to avoid double taxation. Insurance Europe welcomes the initiative, as the current rules lead to lengthy, complex and costly withholding tax relief procedures. Insurance Europe takes the view that substance requirements should be harmonised, and that the […]
CNP ASFALISTIKI, in a long-term cooperation with the MINISTRY OF DEFENCE, implements a series of actions which aim to promote the appropriate road safety messages, cultivating a culture of road conscience by our national guards.
The award at the Pan Finance Awards constitutes another international recognition for the Cypriot start-up Cypriot start-up company WiRE has been awarded the prize of “Best Fintech for Real Estate – Europe 2022” at the Pan Finance Awards. Pan Finance specializes in Financial Intelligence and Information and works closely with world-renowned personalities such as Sir […]
BRUSSELS, June 20 (Reuters) – Spain on Monday won backing from Europe’s top court in its mutli-million euros damage claim against The London Steam-Ship Owners Mutual Insurance Association for a massive oil spill on its northwestern coast two decades ago. The 2002 sinking of the Greek oil tanker Prestige, which was sailing to Gibraltar, released […]
What is crash for cash? Crash for cash scams are run by fraudsters who stage accidents, sometimes with innocent road users, to profit from fraudulent insurance claims. How does crash for cash work? The criminals cause the accident in a number of ways, including disabling their brake lights to cause the car behind to run […]
Pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcycle riders also share the roadways with all vehicle operators on a daily basis. These road users have less protection than drivers of other types of vehicles. Be cautious when operating your vehicle around pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcycle riders. Here are some tips to help you drive safely when there are motorcycles […]
Tesla Inc. reported 273 vehicle crashes since July involving advanced driving assistance systems, more than any other automaker, according to data U.S. auto safety regulators released on Wednesday. Automakers and tech companies reported more than 500 crashes since June 2021, when the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) issued an order requiring the information. Two […]
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