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Demystifying Professional Indemnity (PI) Insurance: Basic Concepts in a Global Environment

Written by Stelios Miltiadou, Chartered Insurer Professional Indemnity (PI) Insurance, also known as Professional Liability or Errors & Omissions (E&O) typically constitutes a segment of Financial Lines departments, which may also be named as FinPro or simply Professional Lines. What is at risk? Insurance is form of risk management, specifically it is a pre-loss risk […]

Benefits of Health Insurance

Cyprus Insurance News Team
The importance of health insurance can never be exaggerated enough. Life is unpredictable, and one disease can change your life within minutes. You not only need emotional strength to fight the situation, but you also need to have financial stability and only a health insurance plan can provide you with the same. There are many […]

2024: An important election year

Written by Michaela Koller, Director-General, Insurance Europe 2024 is a pivotal year for global politics, with elections impacting half the world.  In the EU, citizens took to the polls to elect the next European Parliament which  sits for the first time on 16 July. The elections kick-started a series of institutional changes, including the European […]