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Naji Hadaad Unveils Insights for BLIS in the Latest Episode of Insurance Talks

Naji Hadaad Unveils Insights for BLIS in the Latest Episode of Insurance Talks

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An international conference, the BLIS Experience is coming next October in Cyprus. On this occasion, we hosted in the 17th episode of Insurance Talks, the initiator and organizer of the conference, Naji Haddad, in a discussion that covered everything we need to know about this 3-day conference.

This year’s BLIS, a unique event designed to empower professionals in various fields and has the central theme of “Stronger Wings, Wider Horizons“.

With Naji Haddad we first spoke about the inspiration behind this event and how the conference has evolved over the last 7 years. We also talked about this year’s conference message and what it means, the goals of the event and the opportunities it offers for networking and personal development.

Naji even talked to us about the keynote speakers at the conference, and how the program contributes to strengthening financial education in general.

He also talks to us about his own personal challenges, the reasons why he continues to organize this conference for the 7th consecutive year despite the challenges and difficulties, and shares with us his vision for the future of both the conference and the Life Insurance Consultancy profession.

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